I seek to provide unrivaled, compassionate, and comprehensive care to all of my patients. I strive to treat patients, families, and their well being as a whole, not just a disease, condition, or pathology.
Dr. Alexandru-Abrams

Brain and Spine Surgery
02/2015 Certification in 6 Pillar System, Subcortical Surgery, Milwaukee, WI.
02/2017 artificial cervical disc course, Tampa FL.
American Board of Neurological Surgeons primary examination
Verenna AA, Alexandru D, Karimi A, Brown JM, Bove GM, Daly FJ, Pastore AM, Pearson HE, Barbe MF.Dorsal Scapular Artery Variations and Relationship to the Brachial Plexus, and a Related Thoracic Outlet Syndrome Case.J Brachial Plex Peripher Nerve Inj. 2016 May 10;11(1):e21-e28. doi: 10.1055/s-0036-1583756.PMID:28077957
Duma CM, Kim BS, Chen PV, Plunkett ME, Mackintosh R, Mathews MS, Casserly RM, Mendez GA, Furman DJ, Smith G, Oh N, Caraway CA, Sanathara AR, Dillman RO, Riley AS, Weiland D, Stemler L, Cannell R, Abrams DA, Smith A, Owen CM, Eisenberg B, Brant-Zawadzki M.Upfront boost Gamma Knife "leading-edge" radiosurgery to FLAIR MRI-defined tumor migration pathways in 174 patients with glioblastoma multiforme: a 15-year assessment of a novel therapy. J Neurosurg. 2016 Dec;125(Suppl 1):40-49.PMID:27903197
Chen JW, Paff MR, Alexandru-Abrams D, Kaloostian SW. "Decreasing the Cerebral Edema Associated with Traumatic Intracerebral Hemorrhages: Use of a Minimally Invasive Technique". Acta Neurochir Suppl. 2016;121:279-84. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-18497-5_48.
Jacob AT, Alexandru Abrams D, Abrams EM, Lee JYK, "Merkel Cell Carcinoma Brain Metastases Case Report on Stereotactic Radiosurgery and a Literature Review" Journal of Clinical Neuroscience - in production.
Bota DA, Alexandru Abrams D, Pretto C, Hantos P, Hofman FM, Chen T C, Carrillo JA, Schijns VEJC, Stathopoulos A. Use of ERC-1671 Vaccine in a Patient with Recurrent Glioblastoma Multiforme after Progression during Bevacizumab Therapy: First Published Report. Perm J. 2015 Mar 1. doi: 10.7812/TPP/14-042
Yanni, DS, Halim A, Alexandru D. " Odontoid pseudotumor and serial postfusion radiographic evaluation in a patient with a C1-2 mass. HYPERLINK "http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25768667" \o "Journal of neurosurgery. Spine." J Neurosurg Spine. 2015 Mar 13:1-6.
Abrams DA, Hanson JA, Brown JM, Hsu, FK, Delashaw, JB, Bota DA " Timing of Surgery and Bevacizumab Therapy in Neurosurgical Patients with Recurrent High Grade Glioma". J Clin Neurosci. 2015 Jan;22(1):35-9. doi: 10.1016/j.jocn.2014.05.054
Paff M, Alexandru Abrams D, Hsu FP, Bota DA The evolution of the EGFRvIII (rindopepimunt) immunotherapy for glioblastoma multiforme patients. Hum Vaccin Immunother. 2014 Nov 2;10(11):3322-31. doi: 10.4161/21645515.2014.983002
Di K, Keir ST, Alexandru-Abrams D, et al. Profiling Hsp90 differential expression and the molecular effects of the Hsp90 inhibitor IPI-504 in high-grade glioma models. Journal of neuro-oncology. Aug 13 2014.
Alexandru Abrams D., Jadus MR, Hsu FP, Stathopoulos A, Bota D.A “Selective Therapeutic Targeting of Malignant Glioma" Anticancer Agents Med Chem. 2014;14(8):1075-84.
Hanson JA, Jacob AT, Hsu FPK, Bota DA, Alexandru D. "Anti Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Antibody for The Treatment of Glioblastoma Multiforme" Perm J. 2013 Fall;17(4):68-74. doi: 10.7812/TPP/13-081.
Chang, E, Ghosh N, Yanni D, Lee S, Alexandru D, Mozaffar T "A Review of Spasticity Treatments: Pharmacological and Interventional Approaches" Critical Reviews™ in Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine,25(1–2), 11–22 (2013)
Bota, D A, Alexandru D, Friedman A. “The use of Bortezomid and Bevacizumab in the treatment of recurrent glioma” Journal of Neurosurgery – in press September 2013
Fu BV, Alexandru D, Fu Y, Curticiu D. M, Bota DA “Two Patients With Brain Tumors Who Received Bevacizumab and Radiotherapy: Optic Neuropathy and Quality-of-Life Issues” Journal of the Advanced Practitioner in Oncology. Jul 2013Kong X, Alexandru D, Bota DA “Epidemiology of Brain Metastases” Book Chapter Springer Book Publishing – in press
Alexandru D, Kao H W, Kim R, Linskey M. E., Hasso A. Bota D.A. “Recurrent Glioblastoma Multiforme: Implication of Nonenhancing Lesions on Bevacizumab Treatment” J. Interdiscipl Histopathol. 2013; 1(4) doi: 10.5455/jihp.20130328081943
Hanson JA, Alexandru D and Bota DA: The evaluation and treatment of primary intraocular lymphoma. Journal of Cancer Therapeutics and Research 2013, 2:15 doi: 10.7243/2049-7962-2-15
Fu BV, Alexandru D, Curticiu D, Bota DA “The Use of Intravitreal Rituximab in Conjunction with Systemic Temozolomide and Intravenous Rituximab for the Treatment of Primary Intraocular Lymphoma”. Hematology and Leukemia doi : HYPERLINK "http://dx.doi.org/10.7243/2052-434X-1-1" http://dx.doi.org/10.7243/2052-434X-1-1
Alexandru D, Linskey ME, Bota A. D. “BCNU induced sarcoma” Journal of Interdisciplinary Histopathology. doi: HYPERLINK "http://dx.doi.org/10.5455/jihp.20130116012102" \t "_blank" 10.5455/jihp.20130116012102
Alexandru D., Haghighi B., Muhonen MG. Angiocentric glioma a Case Report and a Literature Review for Treatment and Prognosis.Perm J.2012 Winter. http://dx.doi.org/10.7812/TPP/12-060
Alexandru D. So W. Evaluation and Management of Vertebral Compression Fractures. Perm J. 2012 FallAlexandru D. Sadyadev R., So W. Neurothekeoma in the Posterior Fossa. Perm J. 2012 Summer.
Kao HW, Alexandru D, Kim R, Yanni D, Hasso AN. Value of susceptibility-weighted imaging in acute hemorrhagic leukoencephalitis. Journal of clinical neuroscience : official journal of the Neurosurgical Society of Australasia. Mar 30 2012.
Alexandru D, Bota DA, Linskey ME. Epidemiology of central nervous system metastases. Progress in neurological surgery. 2012;25:13-29.
Robie L, Alexandru D, Bota DA. The use of patient navigators to improve cancer care for Hispanic patients. Clinical Medicine Insights. Oncology. 2011;5:1-7.
Alexandru D, Glantz MJ, Kim L, Chamberlain MC, Bota DA. Pulmonary metastases in patients with recurrent, treatment-resistant meningioma: prognosis and identification by (1)(1)(1)Indium-octreotide imaging. Cancer. Oct 1 2011;117(19):4506-4511.
Alexandru D, Van Horn DK, Bota DA. Secondary fibrosarcoma of the brain stem treated with cyclophosphamide and Imatinib. Journal of neuro-oncology. Aug 2010;99(1):123-128.
Franklin MC, Kadkhodayan S, Ackerly H, Alexandru D. Distefano MD, Elliott LO, Flygare JA, Mausisa G, Okawa DC, Ong D, Vucic D, Deshayes K, Fairbrother WJ. Structure and function analysis of peptide antagonists of melanoma inhibitor of apoptosis (ML-IAP). Biochemistry. Jul 15 2003;42(27):8223-8231.
Submitted/ under review:
1. Alexandru Abrams D, Paff M, Abrams EM, Loudon WG, Olaya J, Muhonen MG "Hydrocephalus"
3. Alexandru Abrams D, Loudon GH "Severe complications from scalp IVs - a case report and a review of literature.
5. Kong X, Alexandru D, Fu BD, Du S, Hasso AN, Linskey ME, Bota DA “PTEN Loss Correlates with Aggressive MRI Phenotypes in Newly-Diagnosed, Primary Glioblastoma Multiforme Patients”. Neoplasia
6. Alexandru D, Brown JM "Unique case of Thoracic Outlet Syndrome" - under review
7. Alexandru D, McElroy, C, Voskanian, Sheaan J. Brown, JM "Evaluation and Treatment of Neurogenic Thoracic Outlet Syndrome" - under review
9. Alexandru Abrams D "Reconnaisance mission II" Journal of Kaiser Permanente
10 Alexandru Abrams D "Water lily" Journal of Kaiser Permanente
11 Alexandru Abrams D "The desert landing" Journal of Kaiser Permanente
12 Alexandru Abrams D "The blue lagoon" Journal of Kaiser Permanente
Research Experience
Research Resident, University of California at Irvine, Department of Neurosurgery, Irvine, CA 2008 – 2016.
Investigated the role of hypoxia in Lon regulation in gliomasInvestigated the role of TRIM11 in malignant gliomasInvestigated the role of infrasound in the treatment of malignant glioma in nude mice models.
Research Assistant, University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics, Department of Pharmacology, Iowa City, IA 2005 -2007
Analyzed MRI characteristics of carcinoid metastasis to the CNS and to the orbit.Worked as part of the research team to understand the muscle fiber behavior in acidic environments. Improved knowledge in nerve dissection techniques under microscope, as well as single fiber recording.Worked as part of a research team to understand the response to pain in P2X3 knock out mice compared to WT C57B. Developed knowledge of single fiber recording as well as in vivo balloon distention experimentsWorked as part of a research team to elucidate the degree of ciliary impairment in Bardet-Biedl syndrome. Conducted slide tissue staining and imaging using the confocal microscopy
Researcher, Genentech, Protein Engineering Department, South San Francisco, CA 2002 – 2004
Identified and characterized novel peptides regulating apoptosis in pathologic conditions such as cancer.Participated in all aspects of drug development from lead discovery to clinical candidate selection.Identified targets, designed research plans, conducted experiments, communicated results to department colleagues through monthly presentations, supervised interns, organized the lab, scheduled rotations.Projects included MLIAP, anti - VEGF antibody, survivin, PDZ domains.Research Assistant, Genentech, Cell Culture and Fermentation R&D, South San Francisco, CA 2001 – 2002Ensured successful and efficient cell culture and fermentation processes for the production of marketed recombinant proteins such as anti TF, anti VEGF.Conducted laboratory experiments to continually improve and optimize process performance. Analyzed protein content of E. Coli to identify the proper condition for the production of the protein of interest.
Researcher, Grinnell College, Department of Chemistry, Grinnell, IA 1998 - 2000
Investigated the effects of drug Levamisole on nicotinic receptors. Designed the research plan and implemented laboratory techniques to investigate the effects of the drug Levamisole on the human nicotinic receptors. Improved experience in the recombinant DNA techniques.Investigated the relationship between the conductivity and the structure in the amorphous polymer electrolytes oPEO-CuBr2 and MEEP-CuBr2. Extensive understanding of the mechanism of conductivity in polymer electrolytes by studying the bonding between the salts and the polymers using EXAFS analysis.Investigated P-S cleavage step during the perhydrolysis of the nerve gas VX using ab initio molecular orbital calculations. Improved understanding of the molecular structure and chemical bonding as well as of the kinetics of reaction by studying the energies of the starting materials, intermediates, transition states and products of chemical reactions
Teaching Experience
Foundations of Clinical Science Patient Centered Learning group facilitator 07/2007 – 05/2008
Helped second year medical students narrow differential diagnoses and elaborate on treatment plans for patients they saw on the wards. Groups met once a week for 2 hours and a faculty co-facilitator was also present.
USMLE Step 1 group mentor 07/2006 – 05/2008
Helped medical students prepare for the board exam, held weekly sessions in lecture format and also in question – answer format, the schedule was based on organ systems.
Tutor – General surgery clerkship 07/2007 – 05/2008
Helped third year medical students expand their knowledge of surgery and management of the surgical patient.
Tutor – Biochemistry 07/2005 – 05/2008
Helped first year medical students expand their knowledge of the subject, (small groups of 2-5 students).
Tutor – Genetics 07/2005 – 05/2008
Helped first year medical students expand their knowledge of the subject, (small groups of 2-5 students).
Tutor – Neuroscience 07/2005 – 05/2008
Helped first year medical students expand their knowledge of the subject, (small groups of 2-5 students).
Other Work Experiences/Volunteer
American Cancer SocietyAmerican
Red Cross
Doctors without Borders
Mobile Clinic volunteer 07/2004 – 05/2008
Took pertinent history and performed pertinent physical exams. Services were provided free of charge.
Urology Clerkship Liaison Committee Member October – November 2006
Communicated the students’ comments concerning the learning experiences in the clinical setting of the clerkship to the urology clerkship course director.
Anatomy Liaison Committee Member August – December 2004
Communicated the students’ comments concerning the learning experiences in lecture and laboratory to the anatomy course director.
Noteservice Officer 2004 -2005
Made lecture recordings available online to the M1 class.
Chemist, Sequoia Analytical, 2001
Performed chemical analysis on water and soil samples according to the EPA methods.Responsible for the health and safety training of the employees following the OSHA and EPA guidelines.Ensured that the equipment functioned within normal parameters.
Biochemist, Anaerobe Systems, 2001
Developed kits for the rapid identification of anaerobic bacteria. Designed the research plan; contributed to the planning of a new production line.Performed quality control, and learned GMP. Responsible for the handling and disposal of chemicals according to the EPA regulations.
Oregon Medical License 2016 -present
North Carolina Medical License 2016 - present
California Medical License 2009 - present
"Congress of Neurological Surgeons Resident Challenge"- third place, San Francisco, CA. October 2013
United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE) step 1 99 percentile
United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE) step 2 98 percentile
Finalist for the Outstanding Achievement in Medical Biochemistry 2004
Genentech Recognition Award for outstanding performance in research July 2003
Phi Beta Kappa National Honor Society May 2000
American Chemical Society Polymer Chemistry Award 1998
Grinnell Foreign Grant, Grinnell College 1996 – 2000
Dean’s List, Grinnell College 1997 – 2000
CNS 2008 – present
AANS 2008 - present
American Medical Association 2004 - present
Iowa Medical Society 2004 - present
American Chemical Society 1996 - present
Grinnell Women in Science 1998 - present
Mortar Board National Honor Society 1999 - present
IRB approvals
HS# 2010-7418, "Identification of Pulmonary Metastases from Aggressive Meningiomas by Octreotide Scanning." [e-App# 3961]
Artistic publications
Alexandru Abrams D, "Artist's Statement: The Boat of Life” Acad Med. 2016 Mar;91(3):351. doi: 10.1097/ACM.0000000000001091.
Alexandru Abrams D "Reconnaisance mission I" Journal of Kaiser Permanente
Alexandru Abrams D "The Wheel of Life" Journal of Kaiser Permanente
English, French, Romanian
Congress of Neurological Surgeons - CNS challenge Finalist, San Francisco, CA, October 2013
Alexandru D. “New Treatments for Malignant Gliomas”. CANS 2013 Long Beach, CA
Alexandru D., Haghighi B., Muhonen MG. Angiocentric glioma a Case Report and a Literature Review for Treatment and Prognosis” AANS Pediatric Section, St Louis November 2012
Alexandru D., Haghighi B., Muhonen MG. Angiocentric glioma a Case Report and a Literature Review for Treatment and Prognosis” Society of Neuro-Oncology Annual Meeting. Washington DC. November 2012
Alexandru D. Sadyadev R., So W. “Neurothekeoma in the Posterior Fossa” Society of Neuro-Oncology Annual Meeting. Washington DC. November 2012
Fu BD, Kong X, Alexandru D,Bota DA “A Case Report of chemotherapy alone for the treatment of primary CNS T-Cell Lymphoma” Society of Neuro-Oncology Annual Meeting. Washington DC. November 2012
Alexandru D, Linskey ME, Bota A. D. “BCNU induced sarcoma” Society of Neuro-Oncology Annual Meeting. Washington DC. November 2011
Kao H W, Alexandru D, Kim R, Bota D.A., Linskey M. E., Hasso A. “MR Imaging of Glioblastoma Multiforme: Implication of Nonenhancing Lesions on Bevacizumab Treatment” Society of Neuro-Oncology Annual Meeting. Washington DC. November 2011
Alexandru D., Glantz, M., Kim L., Chamberlain, M.C., Bota, D.A. “Pulmonary Metastases in Recurrent Meningiomas: Frequency, Prognosis, and Identification by 111In-Octreotide Imaging” Society of Neuro-Oncology Annual Meeting. Montreal. Canada. November 2010.
Alexandru D., Glantz, M., Kim L., Chamberlain, M.C., Bota, D.A. “Pulmonary Metastases in Recurrent Meningiomas: Frequency, Prognosis, and Identification by 111In-Octreotide Imaging” Congress of Neurological Surgeons. San Francisco. CA. October 2010
Alexandru D., Bota D.A. “Secondary fibrosarcoma of the brain stem treated with cyclophosphamide and Imatinib” CNS/SNO joint meeting New Orleans, October 2009.
Alexandru D., Gebhart G.F. “Absence of P2X3 receptor leads to increased hyperalgesia in chronic inflammation” 2005 Medical Scientist Training Program Annual Retreat, Iowa City, IA
Alexandru D., Fischer S., Deshayes K. “Small molecule inhibitors of ML-IAP”. Asilomar medical research conference, Monterey, CA 2003
Alexandru D. “Survivin function and potential for anticancer therapy” Genentech Conference, South San Francisco, CA 2002.
Alexandru D., Sharpe L. “A Structural Investigation of the Relationship Between Ionic Conductivity and Ion Pairing in Amorphous Polymer Electrolytes”. presented at PEW Symposium Chicago. IL 1999
Fellowship Neurotrauma UC Irvine
Fellowship Spine and Peripheral Nerve UC San Diego
Fellowship Tumor and Skull Base UC Irvine
Residency UC Irvine
Medical School University of Iowa
College Grinnell College